Why I like pip-tools

16 Dec 2023   software

A few years ago, I was introduced to a piece of software called pip-tools. Since then, I’ve been using it religiously in all of my Python projects. This post is a quick overview of why I think it’s great.

At a high level, pip-tools solves the dependency management problem. Here’s how the problem usually presents itself:

  1. Start writing something in Python
  2. Download a package into the current virtual environment
  3. pip freeze > requirements.txt to keep track of the dependency
  4. Over time, remove all usages of the package but forget to update requirements.txt
  5. Several months later, find yourself with a behemoth of a requirements.txt file, not quite sure which are dependencies (or versions) are necessary to actually run your program. Spend hours running pip remove, pip install --upgrade, and pip freeze in a futile attempt to clean up your environment and requirements.txt. Give up and resign to just installing everything everywhere.

Pip-tools solves this problem by separating direct dependencies from transitive dependencies, automatically managing the latter, and providing commands for easily upgrading package versions and syncing the specified versions into your environment.

That was a lot of words. I think a quick demo will help to illustrate.

First, create a virtual environment if necessary and activate it:

python3.10 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Then install pip-tools:

pip install pip-tools

Then create a pip-tools package configuration file, conventionally called requirements.in. Here’s what it might look like for a project that uses aiohttp, an asynchronous HTTP client/server framework:


Then, to turn configuration file into a universally recognized requirements.txt file, simply run:

pip-compile requirements.in

Here’s what the generated requirements.txt might contain:

# This file is autogenerated by pip-compile with Python 3.10
# by the following command:
#    pip-compile requirements.in
    # via -r requirements.in
    # via aiohttp
    # via aiohttp
    # via aiohttp
    # via
    #   aiohttp
    #   aiosignal
    # via yarl
    # via
    #   aiohttp
    #   yarl
    # via aiohttp

A few things to note:

  1. All packages are version-pinned; this is both a good security practice (your software won’t automatically pick up newly published, potentially malicious versions) and ensures production deployments match the development environment.
  2. The dependency graph is captured and annotated; it’s easy to tell, at a glance, which packages were installed and, more importantly, why they were installed. Pip-tools is even smart enough to remove packages when they’re no longer necessary.
  3. pip-compile is reproducible; it will continue to generate the same requirements.txt file, even if new versions of your direct dependencies are available. Adding new dependencies never affects existing dependencies. And you can always explicitly ask pip-tools to upgrade the pinned versions via pip-compile --upgrade. In short, you’re always in control of your package versions.

The coolest part, in my opinion, comes after the requirements.txt is generated. You can easily install all necessary dependencies, and uninstall unnecessary ones, by running the following:

pip-sync requirements.txt

The “uninstall unnecessary ones” is crucial to ensuring that you’re not unknowingly depending on some package that just-so-happens to be installed on your machine, but not in production. With pip-tools, you can be confident that if your dependencies are happy on your machine, they’ll be happy in other environments, too.

Oh, and one more thing: you can have multiple “requirements” files, one for each environment. So if you wanted Ruff, a Python linter, to also be available at development time, you could create a requirements-dev.in file containing the following lines:

-r requirements.in

Running pip-compile on it would produce a requirements-dev.txt file that contains both your production dependencies–in this case, just aiohttpand your development dependencies, ready for pip-sync-ing.

I’ll be the first to admit that pip-tools has a non-zero learning curve, but pip-compile and pip-sync quickly become second nature, and the time saved from not having to worry about dependency management adds up quickly. If you haven’t done so already, do yourself a favor and check it out.